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Currently Friendly [ 5030 / 6000 ] with WoW Stuff.

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80 30 0
Number of comments:37(+5550 reputation)
Number of votes:47(+2350 reputation)
Comment feedback:26(+130 reputation)
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Rafen's total contribution to the War Effort:  80 30 0
Date Registered:September 28, 2009
Date last online:December 16, 2009

Average score given by Rafen
and corresponding vote distribution:
9 19%
22 47%
12 26%
2 4%
2 4%

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Assuming they will not be removed from the game, how should they make Arenas better?

Rafen, on October 7, 2009


1v1 would be cool. Even if it rewarded nothing, it'd be nice to have as an option for those times when you just want a quick duel or two.

Rafen, on October 15, 2009

Battlegrounds :: Arathi Basin


Although Warsong Gulch was my first BG experience, I hopped into AB on the first day it was out and loved it. This is the BG that made me love PvP.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Eye of Eternity


I like that it's different from other fights. Good to see some unique mechanics. That being said, I wish they'd really used Maly to his full potential. As the aspect of magic, he could've been doing some really trippy stuff.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Naxxramas


Though terribly easy, I think they did a good job on making this a stepping stone into raiding for a lot of people. I was really glad to move on when Ulduar came out, but I enjoyed the time in there. Wish I'd been able to see it pre-BC.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Obsidian Sanctum :: Sartharion + 3 Drakes


So much fun. I really enjoyed all the coordination that went into doing this while still gearing up in Naxx. Rogue tanking Sarth for the final 15 seconds of our first 10-man 3-drake kill was a good memory for me as well.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Trial of the Crusader


I agree. This was cool the first few times, but due to its brevity, and repeatability on various difficulties, it gets old fast.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Trial of the Crusader :: Faction Champions


Before the nerf, I would've rated this easily a 4, possibly a 5. I'm giving it a 2.

The chaos and unpredictable nature of the fight was something we need more of in PvE.

Pre-nerf, the first part of the fight, before you thin them out a little was a hell of a scramble. You would lose some people and that's just how it was. Now, it's cake, nobody dies, and we wipe the floor with them. I'm really disappointed by the nerf.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Ulduar :: Algalon the Observer


Disappointing to hear that it's not all that interesting mechanically. I'm still eager to see this, sounds like it's a visual & story spectacle at least.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Ulduar :: Flame Leviathan


Although the fight, like any with special mechanics, makes less of an impact the more times you've done it, this felt epic the first time you did it. As an introduction to an instance, Blizz has yet to beat the vehicle section of Ulduar culminating in the Flame Leviathan.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Ulduar :: Yogg-Saron


Good fight. I've only done it on normal 25's so far. I like how a lot of precision and awareness is involved. There's a lot of pressure being put on the raid, and that's a good thing. I'm definitely interested in trying hard modes.

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Aman

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Aman :: Zul'jin

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub


Awe... Hakkar was cool, but I wanted to comment on the panther boss. That fight was so suffocating, it was great!

Rafen, on October 7, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: Gahz'ranka


Yeah, fishing up a boss like this was a cool idea, but it just wasn't worth the effort for it to happen very often.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priest Venoxis

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Arlokk


I loved this fight. You'd venture down into that cramped area at the bottom of the temple, ring the bell, and then spend the next few minutes trying to do as much damage as you can while quickly being overwhelmed by panthers. The sense of urgency on this fight for a guild who was gearing up primarily in ZG, was really high and I loved it.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Jeklik

Boss Encounters :: Zul'Gurub :: High Priestess Mar'li

Capital Cities :: Darnassus


I liked the emptiness as far as lore goes. The night elves are supposed to be fairly uncommon compared to the other races. Darnassus made a great first impression on me early in my WoW career, but I agree now that it feels too spread out and a bit dead.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

Characters :: Deities and Eternals :: Hakkar the Soulflayer


This fight is the one that was the culmination of my foray into raid leading. Defeating this guy after spending months teaching my guild how to work as a team, and learn ZG is still the highlight of my time with this game.

We'd wiped a few times, and it started raining (this was shortly after weather effects came out) right before we started what turned out to be our first successful attempt. The timing was epic, like something out of a movie... a bolt of lightning in the distance, the rain began, we all took a deep breath, and I called for our tanks to charge in. I loved every moment.

Rafen, on October 12, 2009

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